Latest Coronavirus News 18/03/2020

Demand for our Shopmobility Services and Shopping Shuttle remain strong and we plan to continue for the meanwhile. We consider this “essential travel” to get food. However, all our Road Runner and Silver Day Tripper outings (which are non-essential services) have been cancelled up to and including 17th April 2020

Dial-a-Ride (who we work closely with) is still fully operational and we plan to follow TfL’s lead on this.

Meanwhile we are working with Age UK Wandsworth to deliver emergency home shopping to those who are stuck at home. This is going to become a major need and we plan to divert our resources in this direction as other work understandably dries up.

This is all very fluid and may all change from one day to the next – if you know people who are stuck at home with no food it is probably best to divert them to Age UK Wandsworth on 020 8877 8940.

Good luck out there and keep in touch.